STEP2LAB's Technical Drawing
Course Empowers Inmates in
14 June, 2023
The STEP2LAB project has reached a significant milestone by conducting and concluding the first step of its training initiative using its own developed course.
The aim of this training course is to provide trainees with the basic knowledge necessary to understand standardization, terminology, and the basics of reading and interpreting 2D designs. The participants were able to put into practice the concepts of technical drawing through exercises in the context of self-study.
The learning process was gradual but constructive, with adjustments made to accommodate the different levels of knowledge among the trainees. Twelve of the fourteen participants that initiated the training were able to complete the course. The participant’s newly found knowledge in technical drawing has sparked their interest in further studying in this field. It also boosted their confidence in learning topics with greater value and technicality. |
The training was also an opportunity for the participants to discover a new world of opportunities in the molds and plastics industry, and to realize that technical drawing knowledge opens doors to other industries as well.
The trainers also went through their own discovery process. They found inmates to be a fascinating group of learners, who have particular needs but show great potential. Trainers reported a greater motivation to continue their efforts and explore ways to cater to the unique requirements of this target audience. The second phase of this course, Module 2, focused on Computer-Aided Design, has had its start this month, in Portugal. The other partners in the STEP2LAB project are set to start their own training sessions using this course during the summer of 2023. This initiative is a vital part of the broader STE2LAB project, which showcases CENTIMFE's commitment to community involvement, development, and social responsibility. By bridging the gap between prison training, reintegration support services, and industries facing a shortage of workers, STEP2LAB aims to empower individuals through capacity building. Transitioning from prison to the job market can be challenging due to factors like stigma, limited qualifications, and a lack of support networks. The CENTIMFE team gained particularly valuable insights into these challenges during the training sessions. However, by embracing social responsibility and collaboration with industries, it is possible to create positive societal and economic impacts. Implementing innovative processes that facilitate the transition from prison to work requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders, including prison institutions, government agencies, employers, community organizations, and the individuals themselves. By adopting a collaborative approach, we can contribute to breaking the cycle of re-offending and effectively support the successful reintegration of individuals who are or have been in prison into the labour market. This, in turn, promotes social reintegration and social inclusion. The project shares a trimonthly newsletter that provides regular updates on the progress and achievements of STEP2LAB. Subscribing to the newsletter provides access to insights into the progress made by the partnership in prison training, reintegration support, and the efforts to bridge industries with specific needs. |
This project is financed by ERASMUS+ programme, KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education. This website has been accomplished in the scope of the project "Reducing Reactive Aggression through Virtual Reality (VR4React), Grant Agreement no. KA220-ADU-076DCB3A, implemented with financial support of the European Commission by the Erasmus+ Programme. This website reflects the views only of the author, hence neither the Spanish National Agency nor the European Commission can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.